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Hey I put the king in check and so it castled but you can't castle when in check.  Just wanted to alert you.

I'm aware. Thing is i really haven't got the time to fix that. My plans are to develop a 2.0 version, since the algorithm i used is a little (lot) buggy. Can't really tell when that's going to happen, but if that's the only bug you found i'm relieved :D.

Overall its a really fun game and the weird perspective adds a fun challenge.

I'm working on a new scene model to give the players choice over what perspective to use. Chess people got really angry when i asked for opinions on the camera angles. Problem is this game is 2d, so rotation and other views would be kind of a pain to implement.

Hi, do you have an email or website i can contact you? thanks

Oh so it's a reskin of chess? Too bad the isometric view makes it so hard to play like normal chess lol.


Basically yes. Thuth be told, the isometric view has VERY mixed opinions. I made it as almost an art project and it grew to be this game, it's far from perfect but it's my first finished project and i'm really proud of it.

Honestly have been looking for a chess tutorial in Godot for the longest time, if you would consider doing a run-down of this project I would be eternally grateful! I would just love to see how you made this! The art style and music is great too :)

I think i may release it as a open source project, but the ai mechanic is a little broken. If you want an advance on how i made it, look up "Minimax algorithm for chess". The code i wrote for this one was based on a javascript implementation for that algorithm.

Thank you so much! If you ever release it as open source please let me know :)

Perhaps if you want we could consider a partnership with a new project porting this one to 3d. People got really annoyed by the isometric perspective. I learned a lot on this project, but mainly that chess players have heavy bias on what they expect a chess game to be. Some reddit users almost tore me apart when i asked for their thoughts.

Deleted post

That's a nice work :). I particularly enjoyed graphics and animation. Just the music get a bit stuck at level 3 when it is opponent's turns and it was too much waiting for the hardest level. 


I tried out. Chess doesn t work perfectly. Promotion and attacking with Pawns is not inplemented. but well drawned and nice. changable camera angle would improve a lot.

Thanks a lot for your feedback! I Promise to iron all those bugs soon!!

If you would kindly test this new update!